Master of Science in Geology Requirements
The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences offers graduate courses and research leading to the Master of Science. The graduate courses and research areas are such that several different career goals can be met, including the following: (1) preparation for enrollment in a Ph.D. program in geology or a related field, (2) preparation for employment as a professional geoscientist with industry or government, and (3) advancement of knowledge of the earth sciences and teaching skills of secondary school and junior college teachers.
Graduate research opportunities are available in several fields, including but not restricted to hydrology/hydrogeology/hydrogeochemistry, geophysics, tectonics, engineering geology, geomorphology, structural geology, volcanology/igneous and metamorphic petrology, sedimentology/paleontology/stratigraphy, paleoclimatology and high temperature, and stable isotope geochemistry.
The graduate program also offers research opportunities in applied geology. This curriculum is usually interdisciplinary, involving coursework in geology, civil engineering, chemistry, soil sciences, and other areas. Applied geology emphasis include: (1) engineering and environmental geology and (2) hydrogeology. Students of applied geology are encouraged to undertake theses involving support and supervision by professionals in private and public sectors.
University requirements are met through satisfactory completion of core courses and specialty courses in the curriculum emphasis.
Please see the Geology Graduate Student Handbook or contact the Geology M.S. program coordinator for more information.