Feb 16, 2025  
General Catalog 2023-2024 
General Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fees and Expenses

The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Tuition and fees listed in published schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU reserves the right, even after tuition or fees are initially charged or initial payments are made, to increase or modify any listed tuition or fees. All listed fees, other than mandatory systemwide tuition, are subject to change without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All CSU-listed tuition and fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by the Board of Trustees, the chancellor or the presidents, as appropriate. Changes in mandatory systemwide tuition will be made in accordance with the requirements of the Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability Act (Sections 66028 through 66028.6 of the California Education Code).

Student Fees*

Students are required to pay tuition and other fees (as indicated in the text and table below), course fees, and nonresident/foreign tuition. General authority governing most fees is contained in the California Education Code, Sections 89700 and 89724.

All Students

Application fee (nonrefundable), payable online at the time of application via credit card, debit card, or PayPal: $70

Student Involvement & Representation Fee

(Optional Fee) A Student Involvement & Representation Fee of $2.00 will be charged in addition to tuition and other fees. Students have until census date to opt out.

Course Fees

Course fees are provided in the “course description” after each subject listing in the Class Schedule. Fees may range from $4 to $1,000 depending on the course.

Nonresident and Foreign Tuition Fee

Nonresident students (U.S. and foreign) are required to pay the nonresident tuition fee in addition to tuition and systemwide fees. Nonresident tuition (in addition to basic tuition and other systemwide fees charged all students) for all CSUs is charged at $396 per unit (per semester). The total nonresident tuition paid per term will be determined by the number of units taken. Mandatory systemwide fees are waived for those individuals who qualify for such exemption under the provisions of the California Education Code (see section on fee waivers below). Students are charged campus fees in addition to tuition and systemwide fees. Information on campus fees can be found by contacting the individual CSUs.

Graduate Business Professional Fee

The graduate business professional fee of $270 is paid on a per unit (per semester) basis in addition to basic tuition and campus fees for specific graduate business programs authorized to assess the fee. A list of academic programs authorized to assess the fee can be foundon the CSU Tuition website.

Doctorate Tuition Fees*

Audiology (all students) $7,371
Education (all students) $5,919
Nursing Practice (all students) $7,635
Occupational Therapy (all students) $8,598
Physical Therapy (all students) $8,598
Public Health (all students) $8,598

* Tuition per semester. Applicable term tuition applies for universities with special terms, as determined by the university. Total college year tuition cannot exceed the academic year plus summer term tuition. The summer term tuition for the education doctorate at quarter universities is equal to the per semester tuition listed in the table. Total tuition for the education doctorate over the college year equals the per academic year tuition plus the per semester tuition for the summer term at all CSUs.

2023-2024 Tuition and Other Fees Per Semester (all students)

  Undergrad 0-6 units Undergrad 6.1 or more units Credential Program 0-6 units Credential Program 6.1 or more units Graduate/Postbacc 0-6 units Graduate/Postbacc 6.1 or more units
Facility Fee $3 $3 $3 $3 $3 $3
Health Service Fee $151 $151 $151 $151 $151 $151
Instructionally Related Activities Fees $132 $132 $132 $132 $132 $132
Student Academic Service Fee $18 $18 $18 $18 $18 $18
Student Body Fee $34.50 $34.50 $34.50 $34.50 $34.50 $34.50
Bulldog Card Fee $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5
University Student Union Fee $276 $276 $276 $276 $276 $276
Tuition Fee $1,665 $2,871 $1,932 $3,330 $2,082 $3,588
Total $2,284.50 $3,490.50 $2,551.50 $3,949.50 $2,701.50 $4,207.50
  • Questions pertaining to your teacher credential classification may be directed to the campus Credential Office in the Kremen School of Education at 559.278.0300.
  • Questions pertaining to your undergraduate/postbaccalaureate class level status may be directed to Admissions and Recruitment at 559.278.2261.

Extension Program Fees

(subject to change by the Campus Fee Committee)

$0-$300 (per unit)

Open University
$310 (per unit)

Special Sessions
(per unit) varies depending on program

Spring Intersession
$305 (per unit)

Summer Session
Graduate classes $405 (per unit)
Undergraduate classes $331 (per unit)

Winter Intersession
$305 (per unit)

Miscellaneous Fees

Application Fee

$70 (Nonrefundable)

Credential Fees

Credential Processing Fee
$25 per credential

Commission on Teacher Credentialing Fee
Amount varies. Contact the Credential Analyst in the Center for Advising and Student Services, Kremen School of Education and Human Development at 559.278.0300.

Diploma Reissue Fee


Graduation Application Fee

(bachelor’s) $59
(master’s) $35
(doctorates) $35

Parking Permit Prices for Students

Automobile per semester $93
Motorcycle per semester $17
Automobile fall/spring $186
Motorcycle fall/spring $34
Automobile summer $44
Motorcycle summer $11

Penalty Fees

Check return fee $20
Failure to meet administratively required appointment or time limit $10
Lost or broken items replacement - cost
Lost library items replacement – cost plus $10 service charge
Damaged library items replacement – cost plus $10 service charge

Programming Fee

Fee is assessed to corporate and governmental sponsors of international students for required additional services $250

Refund Processing Fee


Transcript of Record

$4 first copy [$2 each additional copy and $1 additional copies prepared after ten (10) when ordered at the same time]. Additional fees may apply when ordering through Fresno State’s third party vendor.

  • This catalog copy reflects applicable systemwide tuition, nonresident tuition, and other fees. (Tuition and other fees are subject to change without notice.)
  • A nonresident student is any person who has not been a bona fide resident of the state of California for more than one year immediately preceding enrollment. The exact determination date may be ascertained by contacting the Admissions/Records Office.
  • The law governing the CSU provides that a student body fee may be established by student referendum with the approval of two-thirds of those students voting. The Student Body Fee was established at California State University, Fresno by student referendum on May 12, 1959. The same fee can be abolished by a similar two-thirds approval of students voting on a referendum called for by a petition signed by 10 percent of the regularly enrolled students. (California Education Code, Section 89300). The level of the fee is set by the chancellor. An increase in the student body fee may be approved by the chancellor only following a referendum on the fee increase approved by a majority of students voting. Student body fees support a variety of cultural and recreational programs, child care centers, and special student support programs.
  • Mandatory systemwide tuition is waived for those individuals who qualify for such exemption under the provisions of the California Education Code (see section on fee waivers).
  • Students are charged campus fees in addition to tuition and systemwide fees. Information on campus fees can be found by contacting the individual campus(es).

Credit Cards

American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa, may be used on My Fresno State. Payments are subject to a non-refundable credit card processing fee.

Refund of Mandatory Fees, including Nonresident Tuition

Regulations governing the refund of tuition and mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, for students enrolling at the California State University (CSU) are included in Section 41802 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations. For purposes of the refund policy, mandatory fees are defined as those systemwide and campus fees that are required to be paid in order to enroll in state-supported academic programs at the CSU. Refunds of fees and tuition charges for self-support, special session and Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) programs or courses at the CSU are governed by a separate policy established by the university, available at Student Accounts Refund Information website.

In order to receive a full refund of tuition and mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, less an administrative charge established by the university, a student must cancel registration or drop all courses prior to the first day of instruction for the term. Information on procedures and deadlines for canceling registration and dropping classes is available in the Schedule of Classes.

For state-supported semesters, quarters and non-standard terms or courses of four weeks or more, a student who withdraws during the term in accordance with the university’s established procedures or drops all courses prior to the university-designated drop period will receive a refund of tuition and mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, based on the portion of the term during which the student was enrolled. No student withdrawing after the 60 percent point in the term will be entitled to a refund of any mandatory fees or nonresident tuition.

A student who, within the university designated drop period and in accordance with university procedures, drops units resulting in a lower tuition and/or mandatory fee obligation shall be entitled to a refund of applicable tuition and mandatory fees less an administrative charge established by the university.

For state-supported non-standard terms or courses of less than four weeks, no refunds of tuition and mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, will be made unless a student cancels registration or drops all classes, in accordance with the university’s established procedures and deadlines, prior to the first day of instruction for state-supported non-standard terms or courses or prior to the first meeting for courses of less than four weeks.

Students will also receive a refund of tuition and mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, under the following circumstances:

  • the tuition and fees were assessed or collected in error;
  • the course for which the tuition and fees were assessed or collected was canceled by the university;
  • the university makes a delayed decision that the student was not eligible to enroll in the term for which tuition and mandatory fees were assessed and collected and the delayed decision was not due to incomplete or inaccurate information provided by the student; or
  • the student was activated for compulsory military service.

Students who are not entitled to a refund as described above may petition the university for a refund demonstrating exceptional circumstances and the chief financial officer of the university or designee may authorize a refund if they determine that the fees and tuition were not earned by the university.

Information concerning any aspect of the refund of fees may be obtained from Accounting Services, Joyal Administration Building, Room 181. Phone 559.278.2876.

Tuition and Fee Decrease by Dropping from 7 or More Units to 6 or Fewer Units. Students who drop some but not all units resulting in a lower tuition and/or mandatory fee obligation during the first 10 days of instruction shall be eligible for a refund of the difference in fees.

As specified by Title V of the Education Code, and the Board of Trustees of the CSU, late tuition and other fees are not refundable.

Health Service Fee

The health service fee is required of all regularly enrolled students, regardless of the class level or the number of units enrolled. Fee waiver students, or students who will be physically absent from the campus for the entire semester (such as a study abroad semester), or students who will be taking classes only at sites 50 miles or more from campus, may apply for a refund in accordance with the refund procedures established by Student Accounts. Refunds will only be made for fees paid within the current academic year. The Health Center will adjudicate the requests based upon records of usage; any use of the Health Center during the semester, or, for continuing students, during the summer or winter break prior to the semester, will preclude a refund. Students who receive a refund but later wish to avail themselves of health services will be charged a sum equivalent to the mandatory fee at the time of their first visit. Use of the Health Center will preclude a refund of the mandatory fee.

Application Fees

Application fees shall be refunded only upon satisfactory proof that the applicant was unable to begin the term with respect to which application was made by reason of his or her death, physical disability, or compulsory military service (Title 5, Section 41802).

Parking Fees

A student is entitled to a refund of parking fees in the amount shown in the following schedule if on any one calendar day within the applicable period the student files with Student Accounts a written application for refund and returns all documents issued (including parking permits). If the permit is affixed to a vehicle and the vehicle is presented to the university for removal of the item by or under the direction of the state, such presentation and removal shall constitute return of the item.

The refund application schedule is as follows:

  • 1-30 calendar days, 75% refund
  • 31-60 calendar days, 50% refund
  • 61-90 calendar days, 25% refund

Note: A copy of the University Refund Policy may be obtained from Student Accounts.

Returned Checks

Writing a bad check is against the law. Recipients of bad checks may sue the payer in Small Claims court for three times the amount of the check or $100, whichever is more. In addition, suit may be made against the payer for the face value of the check and all court costs. (California Civil Code, Chapter 522, Section 1719.)

Writing a bad check will result in the following.

  1. The student’s university records will be attached and the student will be denied services.
  2. The student will be charged $20 for processing in addition to the face value of the check
  3. Enrollment of classes may be subject to cancellation. If enrollment is canceled, the student will not be reinstated.
  • Payment of returned checks must be made with a cashier’s check or money order.
  • Personal checks will not be accepted, including checks written by a friend or relative.
  • Placing a “stop payment” or closing an account will not release the student from financial obligation. (Title 5, Section 42381)

Fees and Debts Owed to the Institution

Should a student or former student fail to pay a fee or a debt owed to the institution, including tuition and student charges, the institution may “withhold permission to register, to use facilities for which a fee is authorized to be charged, to receive services, materials, food or merchandise or any combination of the above from any person owing a debt” until the debt is paid (see Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Sections 42380 and 42381).

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), this school adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation &Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. This school will not: Prevent the student’s enrollment; Assess a late penalty fee to the student; Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding; Deny the student access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.

However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to: Produce the VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by the first day of class; Provide a written request to be certified; or Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies. Contact the Veterans Resource Center for more information atfsveterans@mail.fresnostate.edu or 559.278.6036.

Prospective students who register for courses offered by the university are obligated for the payment of charges and fees associated with registration for those courses. Failure to cancel registration in any course for an academic term prior to the first day of the academic term gives rise to an obligation to pay student charges and fees including any tuition for the reservation of space in the course.

The institution may withhold permission to register or other services offered by the institution from anyone owing fees or another debt to the institution. The institution may also report the debt to a credit bureau, offset the amount due against any future state tax refunds due the student, refer the debt to an outside collection agency and/or charge the student actual and reasonable collection costs, including reasonable attorney fees if litigation is necessary, in collecting any amount not paid when due.

The institution may not withhold an official transcript of grades by the institution from anyone owing fees or another debt to the institution (see Title 1.6C.7 (commencing with Section 1788.90) Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code). The institution can still charge a fee for the issuance of the transcript pursuant to their published transcript processing fees.

If a person believes they do not owe all or part of an asserted unpaid obligation, that person may contact Student Accounts, 559.278.2876. Student Accounts, or another office to which the person may be referred, will review all pertinent information provided by the person and available to the university and will advise the person of its conclusions.

Fee Waivers and Exemptions

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs(VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the officialU.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

The California Education Code provides for the waiver of mandatory systemwide tuition fees as summarized below:

Section 66025.3(a) - Dependent eligible to receive assistance under Article 2 of Chapter 4 of Division 4 of the Military and Veterans Code; child of any veteran of the United States military who has a service-connected disability, has been killed in service, or has died of a service-connected disability, and meets specified income provisions; dependent, or surviving spouse who has not remarried of any member of the California National Guard who, in the line of duty, and while in the active service of the state, was killed, died of a disability resulting from an event that occurred while in the active service of the state, or is permanently disabled as a result of an event that occurred while in the active service of the state; and any undergraduate student who is a recipient of a Medal of Honor, or undergraduate student who is a child of a recipient of a Medal of Honor who is no more than 27 years old, who meets the income restriction and California residency requirement.

Section 66025.3(b) - Current or former foster youth who are 25 years of age or younger; has been in foster care for at least 12consecutive months after reaching 10 years of age; meet any of the following:

  • i. Is under a current foster care placement order by the juvenile court;
  • ii. Was under a foster care placement order by the juvenile court upon reaching 18 years of age; 
  • iii. Was adopted, or entered guardianship, from foster care;
  • iv. Completes and submits the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA);
  • v. Maintains a minimum grade point average and meets the conditions necessary to be in good standing at the university; and
  • vi.Meets the financial need requirements established for Cal Grant A awards under Chapter 1.7 of Part 42.

The waiver of mandatory systemwide tuition and fees under this section applies only to a person who is determined to be a resident of California pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 68000) of Part 41 of the California Education Code.

Section 66602 - A qualifying student from the California State University (CSU) who is appointed by the Governor to serve as Trustees of the California State University (CSU) for the duration of student member’s term of office.

Section 68120 - Surviving spouse or child of a deceased California resident who was employed by a public agency or was a contractor, or an employee of a contractor, performing services for a public agency, or was a firefighter employed by the federal government whose duty assignment involved the performance of firefighting services in this state. The deceased person’s principal duties consisted of active law enforcement service or active fire suppression and prevention, and was killed in the performance of active law enforcement or active fire suppression and prevention duties (referred to as Alan Pattee Scholarships). Additionally, a person who qualifies for the waiver under this section as a surviving child of a contractor, or of an employee of a contractor, who performed services for a public agency, must be enrolled as an undergraduate student at the California State University and meet the applicable income restriction requirement with supporting documentation (i.e. student’s income, including the value of parent support, does not exceed the maximum household income and asset level for an applicant for a Cal Grant B award).

Section 68120.3 - Surviving spouse (until January 1, 2033) or surviving child (until attaining the age of 30) of a deceased California resident who was a licensed physician or licensed nurse employed by or under contract with a health facility regulated and licensed by the State Department of Public Health to provide medical services, or a first responder employed to provide emergency services as described in Section 8562 of the Government Code. The deceased person’s principal duties consisted of providing medical services or emergency services during the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency (started March 4, 2020, until the Governor lifts the state of emergency), and the deceased person died of COVID-19 during the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency. The person who qualifies for this waiver must enroll as an undergraduate student at a CSU, was a resident of California during the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency, and the annual income (including the value of parent’s support) does not exceed the maximum household income and asset level for an applicant for a Cal Grant A award, as set forth in Section 69432.7.

Section 68121 - A qualifying student (until attaining the age of 30) who is the surviving dependent of any individual killed in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon building in Washington, D.C., or the crash of United Airlines Flight 93 in southwestern Pennsylvania, if the student meets the financial need requirements set forth in Section 69432.7 for the Cal Grant A Program and either the surviving dependent or the individual killed in the attacks was a resident of California on September 11, 2001.

Section 69000 - A California resident who has been exonerated, as that term is defined in Section 3007.05 of the Penal Code; completes and submits the FAFSA; and meets the financial need requirements established for Cal Grant A awards. The student’s mandatory systemwide tuition and fees waived pursuant to this subdivision shall not have in excess of the equivalent of six years of full-time attendance in an undergraduate program.

Students who may qualify for the above benefits should contact the Veterans Resource Center (with exception to 66602) for further information and/or an eligibility determination.

The California Education Code provides for the following nonresident tuition exemptions as summarized below:

Section 69075 - A student who is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States stationed in this state, except a member of the Armed Forces assigned for educational purposes to a state-supported institution of higher education, is entitled to resident classification only for the purpose of determining the amount of tuition and fees. If that member of the Armed Forces of the United States who is in attendance at an institution is thereafter transferred on military orders to a place outside this state where the member continues to serve in the Armed Forces of the United States, the member shall not lose the member’s resident classification so long as the member remains continuously enrolled at that institution.

Section 68075.7 - A nonresident student is exempt from paying nonresident tuition or any other fee that is exclusively applicable to nonresident students if the student:

  1. Resides in California;
  2. Meets the definition of “covered individual” as defined in Section 3679(c)(2) of Title 38 of the United States Code; or
  3. Is eligible for education benefits under the federal Montgomery GI Bill®-Active Duty program (Chapter 30 (commencing with Section 3001) of Title 38 of the United States Code), the Veterans Readiness and Employment program (Chapter 31 (commencing with Section 3100) of Title 38 of the United States Code), the Post-9/11 GI Bill® program (Chapter 33 (commencing with Section 3301) of Title 38 of the United States Code), or the Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance program (Chapter 35 (commencing with Section 3500) of Title 38 of the United States Code), as each read on January 5, 2022.

Section 68122 - Students who are victims of trafficking, domestic violence, and other serious crimes who have been granted a status under Section 1101(a)(15)(T)(i) or (ii), or Section 1101(a)(15)(U)(i) or (ii), of the Title 8 of the United States Code shall be exempt from paying nonresident tuition to the same extent as individuals who are admitted to the United States as refugees under Section 1157 of the Title 8 of the United States Code.

Section 68130.5 - A nonresident student, other than a person excluded from the term “immigrant” for purposes of the federal Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. Sec. 1101), pursuant to paragraph (15) of subsection (a) of Section 1101 of Title 8 of the United States Code, shall be exempt from paying nonresident tuition if the student meets the requirements of (1) through (4), below.

  1. Satisfaction of the requirements of either subparagraph (A) or subparagraph (B).

    1. A total attendance of, or attainment of credits earned while in California equivalent to, three or more years of full-time attendance or attainment of credits at any of the following:

      1. California high schools;

      2. California high schools established by the State Board of Education;

      3. California adult schools established by a county office of education, a unified school district or high school district, or the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (subject to the class hours’ requirement);

      4. Campuses of the California Community Colleges (subject to the credit requirements); or

      5. A combination of those schools set forth in clauses (i) to (iv), inclusive.

    2. Three or more years of full-time high school coursework in California, and a total of three or more years of attendance in California elementary schools, California secondary schools, or a combination of both.

  2. Satisfaction of any of the following:

    1. Graduation from a California high school or attainment of the equivalent thereof;

    2. Attainment of an associate degree from a campus of the California Community Colleges; or

    3. Fulfillment of the minimum transfer requirements established for the California State University for students transferring from a campus of the California Community College.

  3. Registration as an entering student at, or current enrollment at, an accredited institution of higher education in California not earlier than the fall semester or quarter of the 200102 academic year.

  4. In the case of a person without lawful immigration status, the filing of an affidavit with the institution of higher education stating that the student has filed an application to legalize the student’s immigration status or will file an application as soon as the student is eligible to do so.

Refund Policy for Tuition and Other Fees

(All refunds will be subject to a $5 administrative fee.) It is the student’s sole responsibility to drop courses, regardless of the reason, by all enrollment period deadlines to avoid charges or be eligible for a full or prorated refund. Failure to do so may result in charges and holds preventing university services. Students who decide not to attend must drop all courses before the first day of instruction to avoid enrollment charges. Failure to do so will result in enrollment charges that the student will be required to pay, unless the student can demonstrate they had exceptional circumstances, which prevented them from dropping their classes and the chief financial officer of the university or designee approves an enrollment charges adjustment.

Please note: The last day to be eligible for any refund of tuition and fees resulting from dropping from full-time to part-time is not the same day as the last day to add/drop a course. The last day to add/drop and still be eligible for any refund of tuition and fees is usually the 10th day of instruction. This is different from the last day to add/drop any course, which is usually the 20thday of instruction.

Estimate of Expenses

The basic expenses for attendance at California State University, Fresno for a year (two semesters) for full-time students who live away from home are approximately $26,626. This figure is exclusive of the Nonresident Tuition Fee but includes an estimate of such personal items as clothes, laundry, and incidental expenditures. Students who live at home or share apartments with other students and commute to the campus are able to reduce their expenses considerably below the estimated figure. Note: tuition and other fees estimate is for California residents. The figures below are estimates and subject to change.

Room and Board (average) = $11,035*
Tuition and Other Fees = $4,180 - $18,046
Books and Supplies (approx.) = $500-1,200

* Estimate for on-campus housing only.

Source of Funds and Average Costs for CSU Budget

2022-23 Amount Average Cost Per FTE Student Percent
State Appropriation (GF) (1) $4,589,590,000 $11,962 59.6
Gross Tuition Fee Revenue (2) $3,081,482,000 $7,634 31.7
Other Fees Revenue (2) $45,078,000 $4,778 8.7
Total Support Cost $7,716,150,000 $24,374 100
  1. Represents state GF appropriation in the Budget Act of 2022/23; GF is divisible by resident students only (383,680 FTES).
  2. Represents CSU Operating Fund, gross tuition and other fees revenue amounts submitted in campus August 2022/23 final budgets. Revenues are divisible by resident and nonresident students (403,633 FTES).

Average Support Cost per Full-Time Equivalent Student and Sources of Funds. The total support cost per full-time equivalent student (FTES) includes the expenditures for current operations, including payments made to students in the form of financial aid, and all fully reimbursed programs contained in state appropriations. The average support cost is determined by dividing the total cost by the number of FTES. The total CSU 2022/23 budget amounts were $4,589,590,000 from state General Fund (GF) appropriations, before a $(68.5) million CalPERS retirement adjustment, $2,446,491,000 from gross tuition revenue, and $672,655,000 from other fee revenues for a total of $7,708,736,000. The 2022/23 resident FTES target is 383,680 and the nonresident FTES based on past-year actual is 19,953 for a total of 403,633 FTES. The GF appropriation is applicable to resident students only whereas fee revenues are collected from resident and nonresident students. FTES is derived by dividing the total student credit units attempted by a fixed amount depending on academic level (e.g., 30 for a semester campus and 45 for a quarter campus, the figures that define a full-time undergraduate or postbaccalaureate student’s academic load).

The 2022/23 average support cost per FTES based on GF appropriation and net tuition fee revenue only is $18,023 and is $19,960, which includes all fee revenue (e.g. tuition fees, application fees, and other mandatory fees) in the CSU Operating Fund. Of this amount, the average tuition and other fee revenue per FTES is $7,728.

The average CSU 2022/23 academic year, resident, undergraduate student basic tuition and other mandatory fees required to apply to, enroll in, or attend the university is $7,520 ($5,742 tuition fee plus $1,778 average campus-based fees). However, the costs paid by individual students will vary depending on university, program, and whether a student is part-time, full-time, resident, or nonresident.

Bicycle Registration

The Fresno State Police Department offers free bicycle registration services to Students, Faculty and Staff. Individuals who register their bicycles are eligible to receive four complimentary parking permits, each valid for a single day use, for days a vehicle is used to commute to campus. Bicycle Registration forms may be obtained at the Fresno State Parking Office or at https://adminfinance.fresnostate.edu/police/transportation/bike/register.html