Mar 28, 2025  
General Catalog 2023-2024 
General Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Regulations

Students must meet all degree requirements as specified in their catalog year. Academic Regulations page contents:

Academic Standing

Good Standing. An undergraduate and post-baccalaureate student must maintain a C average (2.00 grade point average) to be in good academic standing in their campus grade point average (all coursework taken at Fresno State) and cumulative (total) grade point average (all coursework attempted at all colleges).

A graduate student (master or doctoral degree program) must maintain a B average (3.0 grade point average) to be in good academic standing in their campus grade point average (all coursework taken at Fresno State) and cumulative grade point average (all coursework attempted at all colleges).

All students whose campus or cumulative grade point average falls below the satisfactory academic standing level is placed on probation or disqualification. For more information, see the Disqualification section.

Probation. An undergraduate or postbaccalaureate student shall be placed on academic probation if their:

  1. Campus grade point average (GPA) based on all units attempted at Fresno State is 1.99 or below.
  2. Cumulative grade point average (GPA) based on all units attempted at all colleges is 1.99 or below. 

Probation is defined as one of the following academic standings: Probation, Probation: Disqualification Range or Readmitted on Probation. 

Students remain on academic probation until both campus and cumulative grade point average are 2.0 or better, or until they are disqualified under one of the provisions of the disqualification regulations.

These regulations also apply to all postbaccalaureate students except those enrolled in master’s programs. The latter are expected to maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 in all units attempted after admission to the master’s program. Master’s students who fall below the required GPA are placed on probation.

Students enrolled in master’s programs are required to maintain a minimum 3.0 postbaccalaureate cumulative grade point average (GPA) prior to advancement to candidacy. Search Division of Research and Graduate Studies.

A graduate student may be placed on administrative-academic probation for withdrawal from a substantial portion of a program in two successive terms or in any three terms; for repeated failure to progress toward a degree; or for failure to comply with an academic requirement or regulation that is routine for all students or for a defined group of students.

Disqualification. After being placed on academic probation, if a student’s campus or cumulative GPA remains at 1.99 or below they may be academically disqualified based on the criteria below:

  • As a freshman (fewer than 30 semester hours of college work completed) the student falls below a grade point average of 1.50 in all units attempted or in all units attempted at the campus where enrolled
  • As a sophomore (30 through 59 semester hours of college work completed) the student falls below a grade point average of 1.70 in all units attempted or in all units attempted at the campus where enrolled
  • As a junior (60 through 89 semester hours of college work completed) the student falls below a grade point average of 1.85 in all units attempted or in all units attempted at the campus where enrolled
  • As a senior/postbaccalaureate (90 or more semester hours of college work completed) the student falls below a grade point average of 1.95 in all units attempted or in all units attempted at the campus where enrolled

Undergraduate students who are on probation and whose campus or total GPA is below the standards listed above will be Academically Disqualified at the end of Spring semester. A Spring disqualification review only applies to undergraduate students. Postbaccalaureate and graduate students will need to adhere to program requirements. 

Graduate Studies Regulations  Graduate students are disqualified if their cumulative or campus grade point average falls below 2.0.  

A graduate student placed on administrative-academic probation may be disqualified for the following reasons:

  1. If they fail to meet the conditions for removal of probation,
  2. Become subject to academic probation while on administrative-academic probation, or
  3. Again become subject to administrative-academic probation for the same or similar reasons.

For more regarding academic notice, please visit the following website:

Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctoral Degrees

California State University, Fresno is authorized to grant the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Biotechnology, Master of Business Administration, Master of Fine Arts, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Master of Public Administration, Master of Public Health, and Master of Social Work degrees. California State University, Fresno offers an Educational Specialist degree (Ed.S.) in School Psychology, a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT.) in Physical Therapy, and a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). California State University, Fresno also offers a doctoral degree (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership. See Kremen School of Education and Human Development for public school credentials for which the university is authorized to recommend candidates.

Choice of Catalog

Election of Regulations. An undergraduate student or postbaccalaureate student pursuing a second bachelor’s degree must fulfill degree requirements from one catalog, not the most favorable requirements from two or more catalogs. As long as a student maintains “continuous attendance,” he or she may elect, for purposes of fulfilling graduation requirements, one of the following:

  1. The catalog in effect at the time a student enters a California community college or a campus of the California State University system.
  2. The catalog in effect at the time a student enters California State University, Fresno.
  3. The catalog in effect at the time the student applies to graduate from California State University, Fresno.

Continuous attendance is defined as being officially enrolled at least one semester or two quarters during a calendar year. Students must demonstrate progress toward fulfillment of degree requirements to maintain registration eligibility as a continuing student. A student may not begin “continuous attendance” while still enrolled in high school.

Once a student establishes catalog rights in the CSU or California Community College system, he or she may attend any accredited college or university (outside the CSU and California Community College system) or take a planned educational leave for no more than two years and maintain his or her continuous attendance status. (See Leave of Absence.)

Any break in attendance of one calendar year or longer ends a student’s continuous attendance status. This results in the loss of catalog rights to all catalog choices prior to the break in attendance. It should be noted that enrollment in Open University, extension, and correspondence courses does not establish catalog rights nor contribute toward continuous attendance to maintain catalog rights. A loss of catalog rights could result in one or more additional semesters to meet new catalog requirements especially in the major and/or General Education. Once a student graduates, however, all rights to the original catalog are terminated.

Graduate (master’s) students fulfill requirements based on an approved advancement to candidacy petition. These requirements are based on departmental and university requirements as published in the current catalog at the time of advancement. Continuous enrollment is likewise defined differently for master’s students. (Search Graduate Studies.)

Computer Requirement

At Fresno State, computers and communications links to remote resources are recognized as being integral to the education and research experience. Every student is required to have his/her own computer or other personal access to a device with all the recommended software. The recommended standards for devices and software, which may vary by academic major, are updated periodically and are available from the Kennel Bookstore. The university provides students access to some software free of charge or at reduced rates. Faculty will presume that students have 24-hour access to a device and the necessary communication links to the University’s information resources. Fresno State maintains a limited number of workstations in various labs and laptops for checkout to facilitate this access. It also provides a Wi-Fi network on campus for access to the Internet.

Definition of Key Terms

Additional Requirements. Courses from one or more departments or programs that are required in support of the major. Such courses are not included in the minimum 2.0 grade point average required in the major for graduation and may be waived or substituted at the discretion of the major department or program. Additional requirements normally may be applied toward a minor. Additional requirements may also be applied toward General Education unless specifically prohibited by the major department.

Certificate. A set of interdisciplinary courses comprising of a minimum of 12 units focusing on a special area of study. Students are not required to be matriculated or be undergraduates. Certificates are awarded upon completion of the program regardless of catalog year or degree status. The university awards three types of certificates. They include the Certificate of Completion, the Certificate of Special Study, and the Certificate of Advanced Study. See Certificates in Degree Requirements for more information.

  • The Certificate of Completion is awarded for successfully completing a planned educational experience designed for specific academic objectives.
  • The Certificate of Special Study is awarded for successfully completing a structured program of educational experiences of at least twelve semester units, determined in advance by a department or school, and consisting of upper division(100-199) courses, professional (300-399) courses, and related activities.
  • Certificate of Advanced Study. A certificate program of special study at the postbaccalaureate level.

Concurrent Enrollment. The term concurrent enrollment is used to describe several different types of enrollment:

  • Open University Enrollment. Nonmatriculated students may enroll in regular California State University, Fresno classes through Continuing and Global Education.
  • Concurrent Enrollment at Other CSU Campuses. CSU students may attend two CSU campuses simultaneously. This type of enrollment is not often used by California State University, Fresno students because of the distance to other CSU campuses. (See the registration section for details.)
  • Concurrent Enrollment at a Non-CSU College or University. While enrolled at California State University, Fresno, students may enroll for additional courses at another institution outside the CSU system. The course load in the combined enrollment program may not exceed the maximum unit load restrictions for California State University, Fresno. (See the registration section for details.)

Core. A common set of courses within a major or minor that all students are required to complete.

Degree Progress Report (DPR). The DPR is a tool used by students and advisors to guide the advising process. Students may print their own DPR through self-service in the student portal, My Fresno State. The DPR shows the student’s progress in a chosen degree program, incorporating courses completed at California State University, Fresno and transfer institutions. The DPR illustrates how courses apply toward the student’s declared major, General Education, and degree requirements. It also displays a list of approved courses for each requirement to be completed.

Double-Counting. Allowing one course to fulfill two separate requirements concurrently; e.g., allowing one course to fulfill both a major requirement and the upper-division writing skills requirement, or allowing one course to fulfill both a major requirement and General Education requirement.

Electives. Courses/units a student selects to complete the total unit requirement for the baccalaureate degree and/or to complete requirements for the major.

Grade Point Average (GPA). The grade point average is a measure of academic scholarship and performance which is computed by dividing units attempted into grade points earned. Three separate GPAs are computed:

  1. Cumulative GPA for all baccalaureate or postbaccalaureate units by degree objective.
  2. Cumulative GPA for total California State University, Fresno units.
  3. GPA for that semester only.

A minimum of a C average (2.0 GPA) for units in the major, all California State University, Fresno units, and total units is required for a baccalaureate degree. (Search for Grade Symbols and Grade Points, Degree Requirements.) Master’s degree students have a higher minimum GPA requirement. (Search for Graduate Studies Advancement to Candidacy, Grade Requirements.)

Major. Set of required courses from one or more departments designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary to pursue a specific career and/or advanced study. A student must earn a 2.0 grade point average in all courses required for the major, except “additional requirements,” in order to graduate. (Minimum Title 5 requirements: B.A.24 units of which 12 must be upper division exclusive of General Education; B.S. 36 units of which 18 must be upper division exclusive of General Education.)

Minor. In addition to academic majors, the university offers a number of minors. A minor is a formal set of courses in a designated subject area distinct from a student’s major. The intent of a minor is to provide a condensed and cohesive academic experience, in addition to a major. Minors consist of a minimum of 12 semester units, at least 6 of which must be upper-division residence units. Minors must be completed with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Minors offered by academic departments and programs are listed in the minors section of the catalog. Detailed descriptions are found in the listings of the particular departments and programs. Courses in the minor may not also count toward a student’s major except as Additional Requirements to that major. However, courses fulfilling requirements for a minor usually may be counted toward General Education. Refer to the description of the specific minor for exceptions.

A student may earn a maximum of two minors provided that the requirements above are met for each and that at least 12 units in each of the two minors are distinct and include at least 6 upper-division units in residence. Minors will not appear on a diploma.

My Degree Plan. My Degree Plan is an interactive planning tool students may use to plan courses for future semesters. It allows students to validate their plan against the DPR or Roadmap to ensure efficient planning towards meeting graduation requirements.

Option. Set of required courses within a major in addition to the major core courses that emphasizes one important aspect of that school or college, department, or program. The option in a major will appear on a diploma.

Emphasis. Set of required courses that focuses on a specific area within a major. An emphasis or area of emphasis does not appear on the diploma or the official transcript.

Prerequisite Requirements. Prerequisite courses must be completed prior to enrollment in the listed course; corequisite courses must be completed prior to or concurrently with the listed course. Students who do not meet these requirements may be disenrolled by the instructor or by the university.

Recommended Courses. Courses that the department faculty believe would be beneficial for a student to take but are not mandated or required as part of the major.

Roadmap. The Roadmap is a planning tool designed to assist students and advisors in developing a course scheduling strategy to maximize potential. Roadmaps provide students with the best recommended sequence of courses for success, and ultimately, degree completion.

Units. A credit or semester unit represents one hour of class work per week for one semester. It is assumed that two hours of preparation are required for each hour in class. Three hours of laboratory per week is the equivalent of one unit. In a limited number of courses two hours of laboratory per week are the equivalent of one unit. Also, two hours of activity or studio (art, dance, music, physical education) are normally equivalent to one unit of credit. One quarter unit of credit is equivalent to two-thirds of a semester unit.

Units Attempted (UA) and Units Earned (UE) are terms that appear on the student’s transcript and evaluation. Units attempted is the column used for GPA calculation. Units earned is the column used to determine units completed toward the total unit requirement for the degree.

Dispute Resolution

A student-related dispute could arise out of a decision or action in the course of official duty by a member of the faculty, staff, or administration of California State University, Fresno. The decision or action could be alleged as discriminatory, contrary to accepted academic relationships and procedures, or restrictive of the rights of any student of the university to fair treatment. The purpose of the dispute resolution process is to provide a mechanism for students to have a third party review the situation.

The student must first make a good faith effort to resolve the matter informally by talking directly with the individual concerned, the individual’s direct supervisor or department chair, and the director of the unit or college/school dean. If resolution is not effected through the informal procedures, for assistance students should contact the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.

Enrollment in Graduate-level (200-297) Courses

Enrollment in graduate-level (200-297) courses is limited to those who have been officially admitted to a graduate degree, advanced certificate, or credential program. However, there is a special program for last-semester undergraduate seniors who want to enroll in 200-level courses. All criteria listed on the Undergraduate Petition to Enroll in Graduate (200-level) Courses must be met. This petition, available from the Division of Research and Graduate Studies, should be filed prior to the semester in which the student desires enrollment in 200-level course(s).

Explanation of Grades

Audit Status (AU). Auditors must submit the Audit Grading Option Form no later than the 20th day of instruction in which you are taking the course. Audit grading basis option IS NOT available through the Student Portal registration system. Review the information and regulations for Audit below before completing the required form.

Enrollment as an auditor is subject to permission of the instructor. Enrollment in a course as an auditor shall be permitted only after students otherwise eligible to enroll on a credit basis have had an opportunity to do so. Auditors are subject to the same fee structure as credit students and regular class attendance is expected. Once enrolled as an auditor, a student may not change to credit status unless such a change is requested no later than the last day to add classes (20th day of instruction) in that term. A student who is enrolled for credit may not change to audit status after the fourth week of instruction.

Regular class attendance is expected and the student may be required to participate in any or all classroom activities at the discretion of the instructor.

Audit courses do not give students any degree credit and are not used in a master’s program.

Credit/No Credit Grading (CR/NC). The credit/no credit grading policy at California State University, Fresno is designed to encourage academic exploration outside the major field of study. The policy also recognizes that in certain types of courses, student performance is best evaluated in terms of credit/no credit grading rather than through the traditional letter grades.

Neither the CR nor NC grade is included in the calculation of the grade point average. The grade of CR is assigned if the student’s work is judged to be equivalent to an A, B, or C grade as applicable to regular enrollment in an undergraduate course or equivalent to an A or B grade in a 200-level course.

The NC grade is assigned if the student’s work is not equivalent to these standards:

  • General conditions and limitations. Some courses are not available for CR/NC grading, (see individual course description), while others are designated as available for CR/NC grading only. All other courses are available for CR/NC grading; however, a student may not enroll in more than 6 units of CR/NC graded coursework per semester. The decision to enroll for CR/NC grading must be made prior to the end of the fourth week of instruction and the decision must be recorded by the student by using the Web registration system.
  • Undergraduate Students. A student may not elect CR/NC graded coursework to satisfy requirements for the major unless the courses have been designated CR/NC only. A maximum of 24 semester units at California State University, Fresno of CR/NC evaluated credit, including all coursework taken CR/NC only, may be applied toward the degree.
  • Graduate Students. Credit for coursework earned through CR/NC in fall 1978 and in subsequent semesters may not be applied toward the master’s degree unless the course has been designated as available for CR/NC only by the Graduate Committee. A maximum of 6 units of CR/NC only credit may be applied to a 30-unit master’s degree program and a maximum of 12 units of CR/NC only credit may be applied to a 60-unit program.

Incomplete (I). The symbol I (Incomplete Authorized) indicates that a portion of required coursework has not been completed and evaluated in the prescribed time period due to unforeseen - but fully justified - reasons, and that there is still a possibility of earning credit. Such reasons must meet the criteria of serious and compelling and occur late in the semester. The grade of I is only appropriate when the student requesting it has completed a minimum of two-thirds of the work for the course with a passing grade. The instructor of record retains the right to decide whether or not an I grade is appropriate. It is the responsibility of the student to bring pertinent information to the attention of the instructor and to determine from the instructor the remaining course requirements that must be satisfied to remove the incomplete. The faculty member should complete the online incomplete agreement detailing the work that needs to be completed. A final grade is assigned when the work agreed upon has been completed and evaluated. Students may not enroll in a course for which they have an I grade.

Normally it is expected that the student will make up an I grade during the next semester; however, it must be made up within one calendar year immediately following the last day of the semester/session during which it was assigned. This limitation prevails whether or not the student maintains continuous enrollment.

Failure to complete the assigned work outlined in the agreement will result in the I being counted as an IC, or failing grade for grade point average computation. An I grade not made up within one calendar year after the grade has been recorded is changed to an IC (or an NC if CR/NC grading was approved).

Incomplete grades must be cleared before a degree is awarded. In the absence of the instructor who has assigned the incomplete, a student seeking to make up this grade should consult the department chair.

A short-term extension of time may be granted with justification by contacting the Office of the University Registrar prior to the last day of the second semester/session.

Report in Progress (RP). The “RP” symbol is used in connection with courses that extend beyond one academic term. It indicates that work is in progress but that assignment of a final grade must await completion of additional work. Work is to be completed within one year except for graduate degree theses. The RP may be used only in courses designated on the approved RP grade course list published by the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Cumulative enrollment in units attempted may not exceed the total number applicable to the student’s educational objective.

While completing work on an RP or an I, graduate students are required to be continuously enrolled at California State University, Fresno, every semester until the awarding of the degree. Graduate students enrolled in Project (298) or Thesis(299) receive RP grades at the end of the first semester of enrollment and are advised to complete work on the culminating experience during four additional semesters, subject to the five-year overall time limit for completion of all master’s degree requirements. In addition, if an RP in 298 or 299 is not replaced by a final grade within two years as recommended, the student’s major department may require him or her to re-register for the course. (Search Graduate Studies.)

Withdrawal Unauthorized (WU). The symbol WU indicates that an enrolled student did not withdraw from the course and also failed to complete course requirements. It is used when, in the opinion of the instructor, completed assignments or course activities or both were insufficient to make normal evaluation of academic performance possible. For purposes of grade point average and progress point computation this symbol is equivalent to an F. In instances where a course is graded CR/NC or the student elects a CR/NC grading option, the WU grade will be converted to NC.

Withdrawal (W). The W symbol indicates that the student was permitted to drop the course after the fourth week of instruction for serious and compelling reasons with the approval of the instructor and appropriate campus officials. It carries no connotation of quality of student performance and is not used in calculating grade point average. Undergraduate students may withdraw from no more than 18 semester units.

Grade Symbols and Grade Points

A - Excellent. Performance of the student has demonstrated the highest level of competence, showing sustained superiority in meeting all stated course objectives and responsibilities and exhibiting a very high degree of intellectual initiative. (4 grade points per unit.)

B - Very Good. (1) Performance of the student has demonstrated a high level of competence, showing sustained superiority in meeting all stated course objectives and responsibilities and exhibiting a high degree of intellectual initiative. (3 grade points per unit.)

C - Satisfactory. (2) Performance of the student has demonstrated a satisfactory level of competence, showing an adequate level of understanding of course objectives, responsibilities, and comprehension of course intent. (2 grade points per unit.)

D - Unsatisfactory. (2,3) Performance of the student has been unsatisfactory, showing inadequacy in meeting basic course objectives, responsibilities, and comprehension of course content. (1 grade point per unit.)

F - Failure. Fails to meet course objectives. Work at this level does not meet requirements for credit toward a degree. (0 grade points per unit.)

WU - Failure Withdrawal Unauthorized. (4) The symbol WU indicates that an enrolled student did not withdraw from the course and also failed to complete course requirements. It is assigned when, in the opinion of the instructor, completed assignments or course activities or both were insufficient to make normal evaluation of academic performance possible. For purposes of grade point average and progress point computation this symbol is equivalent to an F. (0 grade points per unit.)

CR - Credit for units allowed, work of A, B, or C quality in undergraduate courses and A or B quality in 200-level courses. (0grade points per unit; units allowed for the degree.)

NC - No credit for units registered for, work of D or F quality in undergraduate courses and C, D, or F quality in 200-levelcourses. Replaces I grade in courses where CR/NC grading is used if required work is not completed within required time. (0grade points per unit; no units allowed for the degree.)

W - Withdrawal after the 19th day of instruction. (Not used in grade point calculation.)

I - Incomplete Authorized. Required coursework has not been completed and evaluated yet. (Not used in grade point calculation.) See Incomplete Grade Explanation which follows.

IC - Incomplete Charged. Student who received an authorized Incomplete (I) did not complete the required coursework within the allowed time limit (0 grade points per unit).

RD - Report delayed. Grade must be cleared before a degree is awarded. (Not used in grade point calculation.)

RP - Report in Progress. Continuing work in progress. (No units allowed and not included in grade point calculation until grade is assigned.)

AU - Audit. Grade indicates student’s status as auditor and does not earn degree credit.

  1. Master’s degree candidates are reminded that a B (3.0) average is required in the master’s degree program and for all courses (related and unrelated; lower division, upper division, and graduate) taken concurrently with the master’s degree program.
  2. Undergraduate students are reminded that a C (2.0) average is required for all college coursework completed, all courses taken at California State University, Fresno, and all courses in the major in order to graduate with a baccalaureate degree. Some majors are subject to more stringent grading requirements.
  3. Master’s degree candidates are reminded that a D is not accepted toward any master’s degree program.
  4. A WU is assigned only for courses graded A through F. The course can be repeated and the new grade may be substituted for the WU by petition, except for master’s degree students. (See Repeating Courses.)

Grading Policies and Practices

Grading. Students are expected to complete all requirements for a class by the end of the semester unless an incomplete is permitted by the instructor in accordance with university policy. Students shall not be assigned additional work or be allowed to revise previous assignments in order to improve a final grade.

College Syllabus and Record Keeping. All faculty members shall provide students at the beginning of each semester a syllabus or outline stating course goals and objectives including grading methodology, types and number of projects, written assignments, tests, experiments, etc.

Dean’s List and President’s List. Undergraduate students enrolled in at least 12 letter-graded units* during a regular matriculated term, earning no grade lower than a C, and earning at least a 3.5* grade point average (GPA) for the term are placed on the Dean’s List for that term and a note is added to their transcript. Students meeting these requirements and having a4.0* GPA for the term are placed on the President’s List.

* Excludes CR/NC and remedial/college readiness coursework.

Repeating Courses. Undergraduate students may register for courses a second time only if they earned a grade of D, F, IC, or WU during the first attempt and they have not exceeded 28 units of repeated coursework. Topics courses with the same title and description are not repeatable for additional credit.

Undergraduate students may not register to take a course more than two times until they complete the required paperwork, meet with a major advisor, obtain verification of all of the following conditions, and submit the verification to the major department chair for approval:

  1. they have not exceeded 28 units of repeated coursework,
  2. they received a grade of D, F, IC, or WU upon the second attempt of the course,
  3. the course to be repeated is a program requirement,
  4. the program they are pursuing requires a grade of C or higher in the course to fulfill a program requirement, and
  5. there are no other courses in the catalog that can be used to fulfill the program requirement.

The chair will not grant this approval unless all of these conditions are met.

If the request is approved, the student submits the required paperwork.

Grade Substitution by Repetition of Courses. An undergraduate student may grade substitute up to 16 semester units of undergraduate coursework at California State University, Fresno. If the original grade was D, F, WU, or IC, and the subsequent grade is the same or higher, the new grade will be substituted for the original grade. Only the substituted grade will be used in determining the student’s grade point average. Grade substitution can be used only once for an individual course. If the original grade was C, CR, or better, the course cannot be repeated. A student may repeat a total of 28 units, 16 of which may be used for grade substitution, as described above, and 12 units of which can be averaged.

Grade forgiveness shall not be applicable to courses for which the original grade was the result of a finding of academic dishonesty (excerpt from EO 1037).

A course in which a grade of NC was earned may be repeated but since the NC grade does not affect the grade point average, no substitution is necessary; however, the repeat will count toward the 12 unit limitation of averaged units.

A course attempted at another institution may be eligible for grade substitution by repeating a regular California State University, Fresno course determined to be equivalent and articulated. A course for which grade substitution has been granted at another institution may not be repeated for grade substitution at California State University, Fresno. In addition, a course taken at California State University, Fresno may not be repeated for grade substitution at another institution.

Postbaccalaureate students pursuing (1) a second baccalaureate degree, (2) a teaching credential, or (3) no specific objective, are also free to repeat a course and request grade substitution on the same basis as undergraduates provided the original course was completed when the student had postbaccalaureate standing.

Postbaccalaureate students pursuing a doctoral degree, master’s degree, or certificate of advanced study may, with approval of an advisor, repeat a course for academic credit, regardless of what grade was originally earned in the course. However, the student is not eligible to petition for grade substitution. All course work taken, beginning with the first term of the student’s doctoral or master’s degree program, is used in determining the student’s grade point average and graduation eligibility.

All appropriate grade substitutions will automatically be posted to the student’s records at the end of each semester except in cases in which the first attempt was at another institution. For these cases, contact the Office of the University Registrar by the last day of the semester.

For further information, contact the Student Services Center located in the North Lobby, Joyal Administration Building.

Academic Renewal. Under certain circumstances, the university may disregard up to two semesters (three quarters) of previous undergraduate coursework taken at California State University, Fresno or at any other college from all considerations associated with requirements for the baccalaureate degree. When such action is approved, the student’s permanent academic record is marked to indicate that no work taken during the disregarded term(s), even if satisfactory, may apply toward baccalaureate requirements. However, all work must remain legible on the record ensuring a true and complete academic history.

In order to qualify for renewal, all of the following conditions must be met:

  1. Five years must have elapsed since the most recent work to be disregarded was completed.
  2. It must be evident that the poor level of work represented by the term(s) under consideration is not representative (see No. 3) of the student’s usual academic performance and was due to extenuating circumstances.
  3. The student must have completed the following in residence at California State University, Fresno since the most recent work to be disregarded was completed: (a.) 15 semester units with at least a 3.0 GPA or (b.) 30 semester units with at least a 2.5 GPA or (c.) 45 semester units with a 2.0 GPA. Work completed at another institution cannot be used to satisfy this request.
  4. It must be evident that it would be necessary for the student to complete one or more additional terms in order to qualify for the baccalaureate degree if the request were not approved, i.e., that the student would have less than a 2.0 grade point average in one or more of the following: (a) Cumulative collegiate coursework (b) All California State University, Fresnocoursework (c) Coursework required for the major
  5. This policy may not be used in concert with any other academic forgiveness policy impacting particular academic term(s).

For further information or to apply for academic renewal, contact the Undergraduate Degree Evaluations, 559.278.4076.

Leave of Absence. A leave of absence is defined as a planned interruption or pause in a student’s regular academic attendance. In effect, the student temporarily ceases formal studies at California State University, Fresno, while pursuing other activities that may assist in clarifying and/or contributing to educational goals. It may also involve a military or medical leave. The intent of the policy is to make it possible for a student to suspend his or her academic work, leave the campus without jeopardizing rights and privileges, and later resume studies with a minimum of procedural difficulty.

A student who is approved for a Leave of Absence will be considered a continuing Fresno State student and will maintain “catalog rights”. If the student registers at Fresno State at the conclusion of the granted leave, (an) application for readmission will not be required. A planned educational leave for graduate students must be recommended by the Division of Research and Graduate Studies, Frank W. Thomas Building, Room 130 and requires an additional signature of your Graduate Program Coordinator.

The following regulations apply to a leave of absence:

  1. Eligible students must have completed at least one semester at Fresno State and be in good academic standing.
  2. Leave of Absences are granted for two to four consecutive semesters only. Exception: Military active duty orders are extended for the duration of the orders as noted.
  3. In addition to recommendation by a faculty advisor and a chair, international students must be recommended by an advisor of international student services and programs, and educational opportunity program students by an EOP counselor. If you are requesting a military leave, an additional signature is required from the Veterans Resource Center.
  4. Petitions for leave of absence must be filed (with the appropriate recommendation) at the Registrar’s Office before the first day of classes for the semester during which the leave is to begin.
  5. Leaves are not approved for students dismissed due to academic deficiencies or disciplinary actions are not eligible for leaves of absence.
  6. A leave is not approved if the student plans to attend another institution, unless the coursework the student seeks is not available at California State University, Fresno. Any academic credit earned while on a planned educational leave is accredited by California State University, Fresno only if permission is granted for that credit in advance.
  7. Students who do not return to the university at the conclusion of their leave of absence and those who enroll elsewhere will be considered to have withdrawn from the university at the end of their last semester of regular enrollment at California State University, Fresno and will have to reapply for admission upon their return.

Students wishing to apply for a Leave of Absence should obtain an online form from the Registrar Office website. Please review the form for required documentation before submission. Students will be notified by Fresno State email with a decision and may be asked for additional information.

Student Academic Petitions. The Student Academic Petitions Committee has the authority to permit exceptions to university baccalaureate degree requirements when fulfilling the degree requirement would prove to be an undue hardship for the student and/or such an exception can be demonstrated to be educationally justifiable. The committee will take action only upon the submission of a formal petition by the student that sets forth the facts and circumstances that may warrant special consideration.

Petitions and procedural information are available in the University Advising Center. The Petitions Committee does not make decisions pertaining to substitutions for undergraduate and graduate major requirements. Such requests are initiated through the student’s department. Requests to waive established university policy governing graduate study may be addressed to the dean, Division of Research and Graduate Studies. If a request cannot be accommodated, it is forwarded to the Graduate Committee.

Contact University Advising Center for further assistance with student academic petitions.

Grade Protests. The Student Academic Petitions Committee also has the responsibility of handling grade protests for all students, undergraduate and postbaccalaureate. Students who believe they have been graded unfairly or incorrectly by an instructor must consult first with the faculty member concerned within the first 15 working days of the following semester and make every effort to resolve the issue. The instructor has five working days to respond. For cases in which an incorrect grade was assigned due to a recording error, the instructor will submit a Grade Correction Request form to the Office of the University Registrar.

If the issue is not resolved, a student must immediately consult with the department chair, who will give the student an answer within 10 working days. If a student still believes that the grade was assigned unfairly or incorrectly after completing this process, the student then may request that the Student Academic Petitions Committee review the issue. To request review, students must immediately make an appointment with an academic counselor in the University Advising Center (Joyal, Rm.224; 559.278.1787) to discuss their particular situation and to receive a copy of the university’s grade protest policy as well as additional procedural instructions.

Students then must submit a written statement no later than midsemester setting forth all pertinent details to the chair of the Petitions Committee.

Readmission of Disqualified Students, Undergraduate and Graduate

Undergraduate. Disqualified students who have not attended for more than two semesters must submit an application for readmission to the university and the appropriate readmission petition. Readmission occurs for fall semesters only. Prospective students can apply through CalState Apply between October 1 - January 17 for the following fall semester. Contact 559.278.2261 for more information.

Postbaccalaureate/Graduate. To be considered for readmission to the university after disqualification, graduate and advanced certificate students must submit a “Petition for Readmission of Disqualified Graduate or Advanced Certificate Student” form to their graduate (or advanced certificate) program coordinator. Petitions are available online at Disqualified graduate (or advanced certificate) students who petition for readmission AFTER having been out of attendance for a semester or more, must also reapply for admission through Cal State Apply. Additionally, students who seek a second baccalaureate or credential are asked to obtain the recommendation of the department/program to which they seek readmission. Students who are undeclared must have the approval of the dean of Division of Research and Graduate Studies to be readmitted to the university.

Scholarship Status

Satisfactory Scholarship. Satisfactory scholarship means at least a C average (2.0 grade point average or twice as many grade points as units attempted) in both campus and cumulative GPAs and satisfactory progress toward a degree for undergraduate and postbaccalaureate students without a master’s degree objective. Graduate (master’s degree) students must maintain at least a B average.

A student (undergraduate, postbaccalaureate or graduate) whose campus or cumulative grade point average falls below the satisfactory scholarship level is placed on probation and is disqualified if the grade point average falls below probation levels. (For details see next page.) Only the most recent probation or disqualification action appears on the student’s transcript.

Probation. Undergraduate students are placed on academic probation, a type of academic warning, if their:

  1. Grade point average (GPA) based on total units attempted at all colleges is below a 2.0 (C average) or
  2. GPA based on all units attempted at California State University, Fresno is below a 2.0 average.

Students remain on academic probation until both overall and California State University, Fresno grade point averages are 2.0 or better, or until they are disqualified under one of the provisions of the disqualification regulations.

These regulations also apply to all postbaccalaureate students except those enrolled in master’s programs. The latter are expected to maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 in all units attempted subsequent to admission to the master’s program. Master’s students who fall below the required GPA are placed on probation.

Students enrolled in master’s programs are required to maintain a minimum 3.0 postbaccalaureate cumulative grade point average (GPA) prior to advancement to candidacy. Search Graduate Studies.

A student may be placed on administrative-academic probation for withdrawal from a substantial portion of a program in two successive terms or in any three terms; for repeated failure to progress toward a degree; or for failure to comply with an academic requirement or regulation that is routine for all students or for a defined group of students.

Disqualification. Students are disqualified if either their campus or cumulative GPA falls within the disqualified range on either the overall or California State University, Fresno record equal to or greater than that indicated below.

A student becomes disqualified when the campus or cumulative grade point average in college work attempted falls below 1.50 for freshmen, 1.70 for sophomores, 1.85 for juniors, and 1.95 for seniors.

  • As a freshman (fewer than 30 semester hours of college work completed) the student falls below a grade point average of 1.50 in all units attempted or in all units attempted at the campus where enrolled
  • As a sophomore (30 through 59 semester hours of college work completed) the student falls below a grade point average of 1.70 in all units attempted or in all units attempted at the campus where enrolled
  • As a junior (60 through 89 semester hours of college work completed) the student falls below a grade point average of 1.85 in all units attempted or in all units attempted at the campus where enrolled
  • As a senior (90 or more semester hours of college work completed) the student falls below a grade point average of 1.95 in all units attempted or in all units attempted at the campus where enrolled
  • Postbaccalaureate students who fall below a grade point average of 1.95 in all postbaccalaureate units

The best way to regain satisfactory scholarship status is to repeat classes at California State University, Fresno in which the student previously earned D, F, IC, or WU grades. Undergraduate students are limited to 16 units of grade substitution. Disqualified students who are readmitted are advised to take no more than 13 units, to attend a Maximizing Academic Potential (MAP) workshop, and to obtain a minimum of 2.00 in the semester GPA.

Graduate (master’s) students are disqualified if their cumulative California State University, Fresno grade point averagefalls below 2.0.

Students placed on administrative-academic probation may be disqualified for the following reasons:

  1. If they fail to meet the conditions for removal of probation,
  2. Become subject to academic probation while on administrative-academic probation, or
  3. Again become subject to administrative-academic probation for the same or similar reasons.

Student Absences

Students are expected to attend class and should maintain contact with their faculty members regarding any absences. Individual faculty members should be contacted when there are extended absences (more than one week) due to illness, death in the immediate family, or other situations. In urgent or extraordinary emergencies that preclude direct contact with individual faculty, students may contact the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management at 559.278.2541. Any make-up work or missed assignments remain the responsibility of the student.

Transcript Evaluation

Undergraduate transfer students are usually evaluated under the degree requirements listed in the General Catalog at the time they enter California State University, Fresno.

Transfer students who accept their admission offer and register for a mandatory Dog Days session should receive an email with instructions on how to access their computerized evaluation (DPR - Degree Progress Report). The DPR provides detail regarding the acceptance and processing of transfer coursework and also indicates remaining degree requirements. It is recommended that students access their DPR through self-service at least once a semester and review it with their academic advisor. A degree evaluation is completed during the semester a student files for graduation. (See Graduation and Commencement.)

All official transcripts submitted by the student either in support of an application for admission or for degree completion become the property of California State University, Fresno and are not returned to the student. Students are strongly encouraged to obtain duplicate copies of their records from high school and colleges previously attended for their personal file.

Transcripts and Grade Reports

Transcript of Record. Students may request transcripts of their academic records at California State University, Fresno. Transcripts are not provided to students with administrative holds as determined by university officials. Transcripts of records from other institutions submitted to California State University, Fresno are not returned to students. For more information on how to order, visit

Grade Reports to Students. Students may obtain their grades via the Student Center systems at the end of each regular semester by the grading deadline.