The Department of Kinesiology
The Master of Science in Exercise Science is designed to provide opportunities for advanced study and applied research in exercise science. The program requires 30 units of advanced coursework. Students work with an advisor to design a coherent program of study. This program includes courses in research methods and statistics, along with selected courses from a broad area of topics including but not limited to: metabolic and neuromuscular exercise physiology, cardiovascular and respiratory exercise physiology, design and implementation of resistance training programs, health promotion, and biomechanics. With advisement, students are also able to incorporate an internship, supervised work experience opportunity, or an independent study course into their program. Students conclude their degree requirements by selecting a culminating experience which might take the form of a Master’s Thesis, a Master’s Project, or a Comprehensive Exam.
Program overview:
The Master of Science in Exercise Science is for students interested in advanced studies and applied research, in the fitness, wellness, and sport applications of exercise science. The Department houses a 3,000 sq. ft. Human Performance Lab with state-of-the-art research-grade equipment. The program of study will prepare students for advanced degrees and/or for professional growth and advancement in fitness, wellness, sport, or other related settings. Employment as a Graduate Teaching Associate within the Department may be available for qualified students. A variety of local internships in the health-related, performance-related, and clinical settings may also be available.