Mar 13, 2025
General Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Social Work, B.A.
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The Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements Social Work
The bachelor’s degree program prepares students to enter supervised professional social work practice and/or pursue admission to a range of graduate study programs and professional schools. This includes graduate study in social work leading to a master’s in social work.
The bachelor’s degree program in social work is a sequenced program that requires four consecutive semesters to complete. All prerequisites must be completed prior to entry into the social work program. A cohort of social work students begins the program in the fall semester of an academic year. No social work students are permitted to begin the program in the spring semester. Students majoring in social work must complete the following prerequisites, including successful application/admission, before being permitted to enroll in restricted and sequenced 100-level social work courses. Students who begin at Fresno State as freshman will enter the major after demonstrating competence and fit through success in the pre-health major. The application date for native students and transfer students will be available on the Department of Social Work Education website.
- Complete all lower-division General Education courses.
- Earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.7.
- Formally apply for upper-division social work major status.
- The following eight prerequisite courses must be completed:
G.E. Area A1 (COMM 3 , COMM 7 , or COMM 8 ) (3 units)
G.E. Area A2 (ENGL 10 /ENGL 5B ) (3 units)
G.E. Area A3* Critical Thinking (3 units)
G.E. Area B4* Quantitative Reasoning (3 units)
G.E. Area D2 Social Science (ECON 25 , ECON 40 or ECON 50 ) (3 units)
G.E. Area E Life-long Understanding (PH 90 ) (3 units)
American Government & Institutions (PLSI 2 ) (3 units)
SWRK 20 (3 units)
Total (24 units)
* See lower-division General Education list for university approved courses. Each prerequisite must be completed with a minimum C grade CR/NC grades are not acceptable. A GPA of 2.7 or above is required in the eight prerequisite courses.
Students may enroll in upper-division social work major status in the Social Work Education Department office upon successful completion of the above prerequisite requirements. Eligibility for enrollment will be contingent upon satisfactory fulfillment of these requirements.
Major Requirements (42 units)
Note: Students must attain a minimum grade of C in each required course in social work major Students who receive a grade of less than C in any of the above courses must meet with their Social Work Education academic advisor and develop a plan for repeating the course and continuing the major. Refer to the Undergraduate Advising Booklet for complete information on policies. See Advising Notes. Additional Requirements (18 units)
May also count toward General Education Approved Upper-Division Electives (9 units)
(see list in department office) - Cultural Diversity Ethnic Studies including Africana Studies and American Indian Studies; Chicano and Latin American Studies, Asian American Studies, or Women’s Studies Units: 3
- Six units from two of the following areas: Anthropology, Criminology, Psychology, or Sociology Units: 6
Select Three Units From the Following:
General Education Requirements (48 units)
Other Requirements (9 units)
American Government and Institutions (PLSI 2 ), Multicultural and International (MI), and Upper-division writing Total Units: 120*
* Sufficient elective units to meet required total units (varies) (See Degree Requirements); may include a double major or minor * G.E. and MI courses can be double-counted with major requirements. See advisor for details. Advising Notes
- Foundational social work major courses must be taken in the sequence specified below:
Junior year (semester 1): SWRK 123 , SWRK 135 , and SWRK 160 Junior year (semester 2): SWRK 136 , SWRK 161 /SWRK 161S, and SWRK 170 Senior year (semester 1): SWRK 171 , SWRK 180 , SWRK 181I Senior year (semester 2): SWRK 182I , SWRK 183 , and SWRK elective - Approved course listings are available in the department office and on the Web. Consult your faculty advisor for assistance in selecting a pattern of courses to fit your particular interests and goals.
- CR/NC grading is not permitted in the social work major with the exception of SWRK 181I and SWRK 182I .
- General Education, additional requirements, and elective units may be used toward a double major or minor (see Double Major or departmental minor). Consult the appropriate department chair, program coordinator, or faculty advisor for further information.
- Senior year internships are arranged by the field coordinator. Applications must be filed and interviews with the field coordinator and interviews for agency selection must be completed in the semester prior to entering the field.
- Students who have prior knowledge of Spanish or Southeast Asian languages but lack fluency are encouraged to take additional coursework in the languages.
- A booklet describing the program more fully is available in the department office and on the Web.
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