Mar 13, 2025
General Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Kinesiology - Exercise Science Option, B.S.
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Bachelor of Science Degree Requirements
Major Requirements (66 units)
Exercise Science Option (51 units)
Select 21 Elective Units From:
General Education Requirements (48 units)
Other Requirements (9 units)
American Government and Institutions (PLSI 2 ), Multicultural and International (MI), and Upper-division writing Total Units: 120*
* Sufficient elective units to meet required total units (varies) * G.E. and MI courses can be double-counted with major requirements. See advisor for details. Advising Notes
- With the assistance of the department advisor, students may choose a program that will prepare them for working with specific age groups or special populations, coaching, athletic training, teaching physical education, or professional applications in the exercise sciences and fitness-related industries.
- Students majoring in kinesiology may count a maximum of 12 units of activity courses (ATHL, KAC, DANCE) toward the 120 units required for a bachelor’s degree. Repeat credit towards the kinesiology major is not allowed in any of these activity courses.
- CR/NC grading is not permitted in courses for the kinesiology major, except in those courses which are designated CR/NC grading only.
- General Education and elective units may be used toward a minor (see departmental minors) or supplemental credential. Consult the appropriate department chair, program coordinator, or faculty advisor for further information.
- Students interested in the athletic training option should consult the department regarding criteria for selection into this program.
- A grade of C or higher in all required coursework is necessary for successful completion of the major. Any course required as a prerequisite must be completed with a grade of C or better before registration in the subsequent course.
- Lower-division courses taken at other institutions may be accepted as being equivalent to lower-division requirements in the department. Petitions to have courses accepted should be completed during the first semester in the major.
- The Kinesiology Exercise Science Option complies with university policy regarding the re-taking of courses. Exercise science students who fail a course (D or F) in the Kinesiology core may retake the class for a second time. If they earn a failing grade (D or F) a second time, they will not be allowed to petition to repeat the course for a third time. These students will not be able to complete the Kinesiology Exercise Science Option requirements and will be required to declare a new major.
In compliance with Federal Requirements for Posting Licensure and Certification Eligibility, please see the CSU Chancellor’s Office calstate.edu website. |
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