General Catalog 2024-2025
Military Science
About the Program
Lt. Col. Joshua Lunsford, Program Chair
North Gym, Room 145
The Army Military Science Program, also known as Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), is a college based program that produces officers and commissions qualified students into the United States Army. Our program is founded in both theoretical instruction and practical application of leadership. Students learn a wide range of skills (such as decision making, time management, communications, and counseling) that prepare them to succeed in both military and civilian settings.
Students who want to explore a military career may enroll in introductory courses for either one or two units. The courses acquaint the student with ROTC, the Army, and what opportunities are available.
Those students who want to continue in the program and pursue an opportunity to serve their country as a commissioned officer enroll in a structured curriculum from 12-21 units over a period of two years (see course listings).
Enrollment Requirements
Those students who are simply interested in finding out about our program or developing leadership skills should enroll in one of our introductory courses (see course listings). Those who are considering pursuing the full military science course must meet certain requirements. Information on these requirements can be obtained by telephoning or visiting the Army ROTC office, 559.278.2887, or at North Gym 145 on the Fresno State Campus.
Extracurricular Activities
The Military Science Program offers students the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of challenging and exciting activities that emphasize teamwork and increase a student’s self-discipline and personal confidence. Some of these activities include leadership reaction courses, rappelling, orienteering, water survival training, marksmanship, map reading, helicopter insertions, and various individual confidence-building exercises.
Financial Assistance
All students who qualify and formally enroll in the Military Science Program earn at least $3,000 a year and can earn in excess of $50,000 during their college careers. Qualified students receive a stipend of $420 (tax free) each month depending on their academic status. The Army also has made available two-, three-, and four-year scholarships – on a competitive basis – which pay all tuition, book, and fees, or $10,000 room and board per year, in addition to a tax-free stipend each month.