Chemistry |
• CHEM 298 - Project
Units: 4 |
• CHEM 298C - Project Continuation
Units: 0 |
• CHEM 299 - Thesis
Units: 5 |
• CHEM 299C - Thesis Continuation
Units: 0 |
• CHEM 340T - Topics in Chemistry
Units: 1-3 |
Chinese |
• CHIN 1A - Elementary Chinese 1A
Units: 4 |
• CHIN 1B - Elementary Chinese
Units: 4 |
• CHIN 2A - Intermediate Chinese
Units: 3 |
• CHIN 2B - Intermediate Chinese
Units: 3 |
• CHIN 100 - Advanced Chinese
Units: 3 |
Curriculum and Instruction |
• CI 100 - Educational Applications of Technology
Units: 3 |
• CI 101 - Educational Applications of Technology for Secondary Teachers
Units: 3 |
• CI 123 - Classroom Management
Units: 2 |
• CI 124 - Principles of Character Education
Units: 1 |
• CI 127 - Child Abuse and Neglect for Teachers
Units: 1 |
• CI 135 - Sociopolitical/Cultural Contexts of Latina/o/x Education and Pedagogy
Units: 3 |
• CI 136 - Multicultural Education
Units: 3 |
• CI 137 - Creative Dramatics
Units: 3 |
• CI 149 - Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology in Secondary Classrooms
Units: 3 |
• CI 150ECE - Managing Early Learning Environments
Units: 1 |
• CI 151 - Social Contexts of Teaching and Learning
Units: 3 |
• CI 152 - Adolescent Learning and Development
Units: 3 |
• CI 158 - Communication and Learning
Units: 3 |
• CI 159 - Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Schools
Units: 3 |
• CI 161 - Methods and Materials, Agricultural
Units: 3 |
• CI 161 - Methods and Materials, Art
Units: 3 |
• CI 161 - Methods and Materials, Business
Units: 3 |
• CI 161 - Methods and Materials, English
Units: 3 |
• CI 161 - Methods and Materials, Health Science
Units: 3 |
• CI 161 - Methods and Materials, Industrial Technology
Units: 3 |
• CI 161 - Methods and Materials, Mathematics
Units: 3 |
• CI 161 - Methods and Materials, Middle School Science Teaching
Units: 3 |
• CI 161 - Methods and Materials, Music
Units: 3 |
• CI 161 - Methods and Materials, Physical Education
Units: 3 |
• CI 161 - Methods and Materials, Second Language
Units: 3 |
• CI 161 - Methods and Materials, Secondary Teaching
Units: 3 |
• CI 161 - Methods and Materials, Social Sciences
Units: 3 |
• CI 161 - Methods and Materials, Teaching Science
Units: 3 |
• CI 161 - Methods and Materials, Theatre
Units: 3 |
• CI 162 - Understanding Children, Learning, and Development in TK-8 Classrooms
Units: 3 |
• CI 163 - Curriculum and Pedagogy: Designing for Successful Teaching TK-8
Units: 3 |
• CI 171 - Understanding the Learner, Instructional Design and Assessment
Units: 3 |
• CI 171ECE - Psychological Contexts of Teaching and Learning
Units: 3 |
• CI 175 - Science Instruction and Applied Technology
Units: 3 |
• CI 176 - Mathematics Instruction and Applied Assessment
Units: 3 |
• CI 180T - Topics in Curriculum and Instruction
Units: 1-3 |
• CI 190 - Independent Study
Units: 1-3 |
• CI 210 - Current Issues & Trends in Mathematics Education
Units: 3 |
• CI 212 - Mathematics Education in the Primary Grades
Units: 3 |
• CI 225 - Integration of Technology Across the Curriculum
Units: 3 |
• CI 227 - Current Issues and Trends in Educational Technology
Units: 3 |
• CI 229 - Designing Virtual Realities for Education
Units: 3 |
• CI 230 - Planning and Implementing Innovative Technology Programs
Units: 3 |
• CI 240 - Social Justice and the Multicultural Classroom
Units: 3 |
• CI 241 - Teaching for Equity and Justice in the Multicultural Classroom: Practice into Theory
Units: 3 |
• CI 245 - Investigating Practice in the Diverse Classroom: Practitioner Research
Units: 4 |
• CI 246 - Action Research in the Multicultural Classroom: Capstone Project and Dissemination
Units: 4 |
• CI 250 - Advanced Curriculum Theory and Analysis
Units: 3 |
• CI 260 - Critical Pedagogy
Units: 4 |
• CI 274 - Social Interaction in Teaching
Units: 3 |
• CI 275 - Advanced Instructional Theories and Strategies
Units: 3 |
• CI 276 - Understanding Mathematics Instruction and Applied Assessment
Units: 3 |
• CI 280T - Advanced Topics
Units: 1-3 |
• CI 282 - Philosophy of Education
Units: 3 |
• CI 284 - Seminar in International Education
Units: 3 |
• CI 285 - Seminar in Advanced Educational Psychology
Units: 3 |
• CI 286 - Social Issues in Education
Units: 3 |
• CI 287 - Seminar in History of Educational Thought
Units: 3 |
• CI 290 - Independent Study
Units: 1-3 |
• CI 298 - Project
Units: 2-4 |
• CI 298A - Project: Curriculum and Instruction
Units: 1-3 |
• CI 298B - Project: MAT
Units: 4 |
• CI 298C - Project Continuation
Units: 0 |
• CI 299A - Thesis: Curriculum and Instruction
Units: 1-3 |
• CI 299B - Thesis: MAT
Units: 4 |
• CI 299C - Thesis Continuation
Units: 0 |
• CI 380T - Topics in Education
Units: 1-6 |
Chicano and Latin American Studies |
• CLAS 3 - Introduction to Chicano/Latino Studies
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 5 - Chicanx Culture and History
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 9 - Chicano Artistic Expression
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 30 - Critical Thinking in Chicano and Latin American Studies
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 42B - Introduction to Chicano-Latino Research Methods
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 70 - Introduction to Latin American Studies
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 100 - Chicano Literature
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 102W - Contemporary Chicana/Latina Writing and Culture
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 106 - Folkloric Dance
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 107 - Latino Dance
Units: 2 |
• CLAS 108 - Latinx Theatre
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 112 - Pre-Hispanic Civilizations
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 114 - Mexico and the Southwest 1810-1910
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 115 - Mexico-U.S. Relations Since-1910
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 120 - Latina/o Cultural Changes
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 128 - Latinx Politics
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 130 - Latinx Culture and Media Studies
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 140 - Politics of Latina Health and Size
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 141 - The Chicano Family
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 143 - Bilingual/Bicultural Education
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 145 - Fieldwork in Community Settings
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 150 - Research Methods
Units: 3 |
• CLAS 160 - Sex, Race, and Class in American Society
Units: 3 |
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